Saturday, September 20, 2008

An update without photos...

Despite the lack of commenting I do hope people are reading this. Or else I'm just wasting my time, haha.

So things have improved immensely in the past week. It's been quite a week.

We started our intensive session class. It's one class for two weeks and it's for three hours everyday. It's definitely draining sometimes. There are a lot of assignments to get done. We had our examen parcial yesterday. It was pretty simple but that either means I did really well or I did really poorly. Vamos a ver, supongo.

I'm hoping that my Spanish speaking abilities are improving, but I don't know.

So I've been living in the residencia for a while now. I'm moving out next Friday into a homestay. I'm actually really excited. I visited two yesterday. The first apartment was amazing and hugeeeeee and had air conditioning in all rooms. It was nice, however the lady seemed a little on the quiet side. I then went to a different apartment in the same town a couple of hours later. The apartment is off a main street that leads directly to the bridge to get to the other side of town. Anyways, I chose to live with a lady who is 28 and lives alone. She was so cool. She just seems like a lot of fun and is super lively and has been hosting American students for four years now. It'll be nice because it's kind of like being with my sister. And I stayed there last night just chatting with her and her friend. It was super fun and I think I'm going to enjoy my time there. Plus, it was challenging but definitely kinda cool to be forced to speak in Spanish. My main goal is to be able to maintain a conversation in Spanish with native speakers. I think this entire experience will definitely help me stop doubting myself in every situation.

Hmm, I don't know what else to really say. If my schedule works out according to plan, I believe that I will only have classes Mon-Thurs. I really hope that works out because I want to go to Paris in November. I would also love to go to Italy and Dublin. I guess we will see. The number one city on my list is Barcelona.

Okay, well that was enough babbling to keep you all semi-interested. Now comment.

P.S. I really miss driving. I seriously walk everywhere and wouldn't be surprised if I average walking 6 miles a day. It's nice and everything, but so much time is spent walking haha.




Anonymous said...

Omg! Mas paises? Por favor no. Te necesito en los Estados Unidos. Ay dios tengo muchas cosas que pasaron. Pues, solo una cosa, pero esta bien. Te extrano mi amor.

Mary Ann said...

your car misses you. she's been attracting a lot of lady bugs lately. but she's doing well. i mailed out your ticket. ( class with it, right?) and I got a thing to fax over some stuff to chase. i think they still need what they needed before you left. miss you! love you! have fun! more pics, please.

Mary Ann said...

PS: i hope what you write in spanish is not important. no muegusta. no comprendo.

Anonymous said...

Your Spanish is going to get better, whether you like it or not, so I don't think there's much of a hurry there ^^ Oh man, Visiting all those places sounds fun ^^ I wish I was in Europe right now... it's expensive though, isn't it? Also, pictures of your new home por favor.

Sarah Kappel said...

Dear Ann, I hate reading. Post pictures.

Just jokes baby girl! Do you miss anything American yet??

Tony said...

i'm going to miss hearing about your joke of a roommate. :(