Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cadiz, Espana

So today, our group had a day trip to Cadiz. It is a city south of Sevilla and it is basically like an island that is attached to the bottom of Spain. It is quite honestly one of the most breathtaking and beautiful cities I have ever stepped foot in. It's about an hour and a half away from Sevilla.

This is a picture of what the city looked like today

Then we walked through the city and went on a little tour and learned about the history. It's basically like a peninsula and you almost always have a view of the Atlantic.

Another one of one of the great views

I have been really fortunate thus far with the people in my group. I took a lot of pictures with them, and here's one of the awesome people I've met

During our walk we went to a dead end street. At the end there was a fence that showed a glimpse of an old theater/performance center from the Roman period. It is still in tact and visitors can walk through it. They would have performances there and gladiators would fight there too. How cool is that? This is what it looks like now, at least it did today..

We walked around some more. Then we went to the cathedral, which is in like the center of the city. It was breath taking.

And then we went to the top of the cathedral, which can be seen in the picture above, it's to the right. We went up to take pictures.

I managed to get over my fear of heights to take those pictures and I'm really proud of myself haha. It wasn't anything like Diamond Head though.

Anyways, we walked around some more and got to see the commercial area of the place. It was fun. Then we saw the ocean again and we had to take more pictures. Kind of like this one

well clearly because I'm Korean.

Near the end of our tour, we went through this awesome garden that has really awesomely shaped trees. It definitely reminded me of Edward Scissorhands.

It was quite beautiful.

All right, I'm tired and I will add more about Cadiz tomorrow. I hope you enjoy what I have up now.

I just realize more and more how fortunate I am to be able to be here right now and to have what I do back at home. I miss everyone and love everyone.

I also have a new nephew as of yesterday. How exciting. I miss my nephews a lot. I missed Xander's first step and I didn't get to meet Jaxon. I guess there's much to do once I return.

Leave me comments!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when you get back we'll have to go to hawaii and then to spain so i can see this!